Welcome to our website! We share hobies like Gardening,Dance & Music to promote health & Wellbeing


Observe Nature & try writing it down

Many unexpressed emotions were buried deep inside me like a knot . Acting on friends advice I started writing it and expressing. As I kept writing it down, I felt relief in a slow but gradual pace. Many health issues are rooted from unexpressed emotions.

Poetry has three sub pages – Hindi Poetry, Punjabi Poetry, English Poetry.

The role of all forms of art including Poetry and Music is to express yourself in your own way without competing with others. Remember I mentioned express those deep buried emotions and related thoughts. It is not necessary to express through poetry and music. If you try to read what others wrote you may find relevance and get motivated to pen down something for yourself or choose different aproach that works for you.

I want to open this page with a powerful poem “The Man in the Glass” by Peter Dale Wimbrow. The Man in the Glass is a poem written by Dale Wimbrow in 1934. The message of the poem is powerful and a stark reminder that we will only be at ease with ourselves, if we can look in the mirror each day and accept what we see